Thursday, March 21, 2024

Food Hygiene



To guarantee the safety and quality of the food we eat, food hygiene is essential. It includes methods and techniques intended to reduce foodborne illness, stop food contamination, and preserve food freshness. Following appropriate food hygiene procedures is crucial for protecting the public's health, whether in households, restaurants, food processing plants, or any other environment where food is involved.

Understanding Food Safety

Welcome to food hygiene! This programme covers food safety and health basics. Learn how sanitation, handling, and storage can avoid foodborne infections. Prepare to improve your food hygiene.

Cleanliness Matters

Discover why food hygiene requires cleanliness. Simple, practical ways to clean your kitchen, utensils, and hands. Food safety relies on cleanliness, from washing vegetables to sanitising surfaces.

Safety in Food Handling

Learn safe food handling skills. We'll help you avoid contamination by thawing frozen goods and preparing meat properly. Safe food handling is crucial for your family's health.

How to store and preserve

Explore food storage and preservation tips. Maintain freshness and prevent rotting with correct storage temperatures and packaging. The appropriate storage methods can extend food shelf life and keep it safe to eat.

Maintaining Hygiene Outside the Kitchen

Food hygiene goes beyond cooking. In this module, we'll examine proper hygiene when eating out, handling leftovers, and grocery shopping. Hygiene in all food-related activities reduces foodborne illness risk.

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